Should Christians involve themselves with the belief of evil eye?
So for those who have read my previous blogs, you know I speak on a lot of good, happy and positive things that have happened in my life, due to allowing God to lead and direct me. I promise you that has not changed. However, today’s blog will be slightly different, as I feel it is my duty to speak on topics that will hopefully draw people closer to God. So today’s topic will be on evil eye. After all, this blog is about allowing God to work in my life and I feel he wants to use me to not only spread good news about my life and motivate others with it, but to spread honesty and truth also. We’ve all heard of it but if you haven’t, evil eye is a superstitious belief in cursing someone, causing harm to another person. Therefore people have evil eye emojis in their bio on social media, they wear it as a bracelet, necklace etc. They believe that this will bring good luck and protects you from any ill-will that could have a negative impact on your life. But should Chr...