Let failure inspire you

So I am back with another blog. This is crazy to me because I went from not even thinking about blogging, to now publishing my third blog this month. But that’s the thing about God, you never really know what he’s got up his sleeve for you, you never know what he’s got planned for you or how he’s working in you. He will reveal things to you, show you things you’ve never seen, talents that you never knew you had, strength that you didn’t know you had and so much more. 

Writing blogs was not in my list of things I wanted to do in this year 2021. To be very honest it was far from it. 

However, I am so happy that I have started and I am so happy that my first blog has encouraged many to keep looking to God and finding their purpose in this life. (Please read 2021 the year of allowing God to work in my life). 

Furthermore, I’m so glad some of you have been able to relate to my university blog. (Please read the truth about second year of University). It makes me feel like I wasn’t alone. Sometimes you can feel like you’re the only one in a certain situation. I felt so alone in my situation, I felt embarrassed, I felt as though everyone else around me was doing so well and then there was me... feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere. Feeling to drop out. 

Looking back now and seeing how far I’ve come, I realise that, there was no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed. 

There’s a quote: “Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s apart of the success.” 

Failure inspired me to keep going. I had a end goal and I knew it was a must I achieved it. Once I start something I have to finish it, even if I need to take a break and bounce back. Whatever it took for me to get this degree. I began to speak up and ask for help. I hated asking for help, I always had the mindset of doing things for myself. I guess it was a prideful thing. But I realised if I was gonna make it out I had to speak up, I had to ask the questions, I had to pick myself up, keep going, keep looking ahead, keep praying. Making sure I always put God first, as he will give you the strength to keep going and the strength to push yourself and trust me, you will succeed! 

So guys please don’t ever feel ashamed or embarrassed if you don’t succeed at something the first time. You failed? Try again. You failed again? Try again. No one on this earth is perfect. So never feel like you’re alone in your situation. You can speak to your close ones, a therapist, you can communicate with God, if you feel like no one around you will understand you or if you don’t feel comfortable enough. Praying is not just about asking for things, you can just communicate and talk to him about anything, build that relationship with him. 

Keep going, never look back. Take your breaks, relax, don’t be too hard on yourself. Don’t stress out. Everything always works out for the better even if it doesn’t look like that right now. Let failure motivate and inspire you to keep going.

Stay blessed x 


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