Change part 2. How to accept change
In my previous blog I wrote about how change can be an uncomfortable experience, however it is important as individuals to go through it and embrace every single change that happens in our lives.
(If you haven’t read “change” please read that first).
The question is how?
How can we accept change? How can we embrace it?
- Feeling the emotion
One thing is to let yourself feel every single emotion that you’re feeling at the time. If you feel sad, scared, worried, anxious, angry, however you’re feeling, don’t try to avoid or suppress it. Let your emotions out, feel how you need to feel, write it down, express it to someone you’re comfortable talking to and pray about it.
As we know going through changes in life is not an easy process but suppressing your emotions, covering up how you really feel will only make it harder to accept the change happening.
2. Coming to a point of acceptance
At some point you need to get to a stage in your life where you have to accept the changes that have occurred. This becomes easier once the first point has been put into practise. Once you completely understand your feelings and why you felt / reacted a certain way about the particular change that happened in your life, when you’ve opened up to the right people, when you’ve prayed about it and let God lead the way for you; accepting becomes less of a challenge. Accepting that you can only continue to look forward, continue to keep your head up and keep pushing on.
“The longer you hold on, the heavier it gets.”
Holding on to the same situation, thing or person and not allowing yourself to move on from it and elevate will only hinder you. Hinder your happiness, your joy, your peace. It will cause you more pain. More suffering. It can even block your blessings for all the good out there that you have yet to experience.
3. Thinking positively about change
Change is already hard enough let alone thinking positively about it. However, this is the third and final important point I will share with you. You have to think about the changes in your life in a positive way. Always look at the good reasons of why the changes happened. Even if you don’t understand the real reason yet. Always think to yourself this changed because something better is coming. If you lost your job, think a better job with higher pay is coming. You didn’t get the into the university you wanted, think about the university you do get into, it may be better for your mental health, you’ll meet people there who will be in your life for a lifetime. Things didn’t work out with the guy or girl you dated, think to yourself it’s either not the right time or someone who’s more for you will come along.
So feel the emotion, come to a point of acceptance and lastly train your mind to think positively always, it will soon become a habit.
It’s easier said than done but not impossible!
Yes I agree the quicker you expect change is the better, but only if it doesn't go against God will 🙏🏽