Change part 2. How to accept change
In my previous blog I wrote about how change can be an uncomfortable experience, however it is important as individuals to go through it and embrace every single change that happens in our lives. (If you haven’t read “change” please read that first). The question is how? How can we accept change? How can we embrace it? Feeling the emotion One thing is to let yourself feel every single emotion that you’re feeling at the time. If you feel sad, scared, worried, anxious, angry, however you’re feeling, don’t try to avoid or suppress it. Let your emotions out, feel how you need to feel, write it down, express it to someone you’re comfortable talking to and pray about it. As we know going through changes in life is not an easy process but suppressing your emotions, covering up how you really feel will only make it harder to accept the change happening. 2. Coming to a point of acceptance At some point you need to get to a stag...