
My prayer to you for 2022

Happy new year everyone!  I pray that everyone has a blessed year. I pray that every goal you have set will be achieved. I pray that God will use you in the most spectacular way. I pray that he will guide you and continue to protect you over another year. I pray that whatever or whoever has hurt you and caused you pain; you will find the strength to forgive and let go. I pray you all find true happiness and peace. I pray that you will continue to grow and develop into the person God called you to be. I pray you all obtain more wisdom and more knowledge. I pray you all learn something new about yourself this year, if not multiple things! I pray you all find what’s best for you in your career, relationship etc. And most importantly I pray you all draw closer to God this year. Despite the mistakes we make he wants us to build that relationship with him. I pray this in Jesus name Amen.  Here’s to 2022!    

End of year blog - Let God in

This is my last blog of the year and I just want to start off by thanking everyone who has taken the time to read my blogs, even if it was just some of them. I also want to thank those who have promoted my blogs and sent the link for others to read. I am so thankful for all the support. I started this year with so much other goals in mind and writing was definitely not one of them, as some of you may know. Despite of that, I am now on my 15 th blog! The encouragement has been amazing so thank you again 😊 We’re coming towards the end of the year now and I hope you have had a great one! I hope you have reached all your goals for this year and more. If not, I hope this blog will give you the encouragement and the strength you need to keep on going, keep pushing for a better 2022. This year for me, has been a bit of a rollercoaster. Full of emotions. I’ve been happy, confused, sad, overwhelmed etc. I would say the year of 2021 was the year of: ‘Finding Myself.’ Finding what really wo...

Should Christians involve themselves with the belief of evil eye?

So for those who have read my previous blogs, you know I speak on a lot of good, happy and positive things that have happened in my life, due to allowing God to lead and direct me. I promise you that has not changed.   However, today’s blog will be slightly different, as I feel it is my duty to speak on topics that will hopefully draw people closer to God. So today’s topic will be on evil eye. After all, this blog is about allowing God to work in my life and I feel he wants to use me to not only spread good news about my life and motivate others with it, but to spread honesty and truth also.  We’ve all heard of it but if you haven’t, evil eye is a superstitious belief in cursing someone, causing harm to another person. Therefore people have evil eye emojis in their bio on social media, they wear it as a bracelet, necklace etc. They believe that this will bring good luck and protects you from any ill-will that could have a negative impact on your life.  But should Chr...

Woman don’t owe you pretty - inspiration blog

Woman don’t owe you pretty is a book written by Florence Given. It speaks on topics such as Patriarchy, feminism and racism. I recently started reading this book and it spoke to me a lot! One of the chapters that stood out to me was “you are the love of your own life.”   This is what I got from it:  Loving yourself is not a selfish act but it’s needed. Loving yourself helps you to set boundaries, communicating that boundary, and removing anyone out of your life who crosses that boundary, even after you have stated it. Loving yourself sets the tone for who you invite into your life, who gets a seat at your table. Loving yourself and growing helps you to see what adds value to your wants and needs and what doesn’t; what is for you and what isn’t. Loving yourself helps you to spot red flags and instead of accepting it you stop them from occurring again. An example of a red flag Florence Given stated, was a person who offers “crumbs” in other words “small gestures that people thro...

June 2021

Today we have reached the second half of the year! I pray that this second half of the year will be amazing for all of you who are reading this. May God continue to guide you and watch over you, your family and friends as we enter this new season in our lives.   Ask yourself what you want out of the next 6 months of this year. Make note of all the things you are grateful for so far this year. Make note of as much positive things you can think of that has happened this year; even if it’s just one thing that stood out to you.  I’ll start with mine.  For the next 6 months, I want God to guide me. For the first 6 months of this year I have been all over the place, trying to figure out what path is the best path for me. These next 6 months I don’t want to be confused anymore. I want God to show me the right way, show me where to go, show me what’s next in my life. I’m ready for some change in my life, I’m ready to walk into what is meant for me. I’m ready to be guided. I want ...

Rejection is redirection

So we are almost 6 months into the year 2021! Crazy how times flies. To whoever is reading this. I hope this year so far has been nothing but a blessing to you. I know it’s been a hard start to the year concerning covid, however, now that everything has slowly eased, I hope you’re making the most out of it. I hope you’re enjoying yourself to the fullest and making every single day count. I hope you’re still working on the goals you set for yourself at the start of the year, and I hope you’re achieving them or will achieve them soon!   This year for me so far involves, having as much fun as possible whilst figuring out the best pathway for me. Since the beginning of the year I’ve had to make really important decisions for myself. I really did think I finally had it all planned out with deciding to go to Eastbourne, work and continue my studies (please read my first blog: “2021 the year of allowing God to work in my life”) but as we know life has a funny way of doing what it does bes...

Take a leap of faith

Recently I have been having doubts about the new decisions I am making for my life, a few worries and concerns. Am I going down the right path? Is this the best decision for me? I have been constantly overthinking my future plans; hoping and praying for God to guide me and lead me into the right direction. I am feeling like this because my plans consist of me stepping out of my comfort zone. I am doing something that I have never done before.   As I mentioned in my previous blog, change can be an uncomfortable experience. But what I didn’t mention is that it can also be the best, most amazing experience ever!  Sometimes life is about taking a leap of faith. Taking the risk. You don’t know the ending of the story and how everything will work out or fall into place but one thing for sure you will never wonder or question “what if?”  What if I went for it? How would my life be different? What if that decision was meant for me and I didn’t take it? You don’t want to wonder ho...